Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them

Big Mac or Salad

If you go into McDonalds and you want to have something healthy, you look at the prices of a salad, and a Big Mac. You notice that the price of the salad is a lot higher than the price of the burger. Most times people come to realize the fact that fruits and vegetables are going to be more expense than a greasy burger and fries.
South Dakota’s latest Youth Risk Behavior Report shows just 15 percent of high school kids ate five or more servings of fruits and vegetables during one week. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack went to Sioux Falls to see if he could get some answers from officials to help fix the problem.

My article told me that one-third of America’s children are obese or at risk of being obese. It is costing our country more than $500 billion.  The USDA has been putting more fruits and vegetables in more than 7,100 poorer schools. 

Vilsack shared the results of the study that gives kids easy access to fruits and vegetables.  He said, when given the choice,  97 percent of kids tried fruits; 84 percent tried vegetables. 84 percent at least taste the vegetables and 61 percent of those ate them all. Vilsack promised more money for better, nutritious school lunches.

I found this article on Keloland. I think it is good that more students try fruits and vegetables when they are available. The fact that the USDA is trying to make kids healthier is also a plus in my thoughts. The outcome of this would be beneficial to many if it is not abused.

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