Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them


Service, (n): an act of helpful activity

  • How is service to others a demonstration of your character?

– Service to others is a demonstration of my character because I help them when they need it. They appreciate my help because they need it. I know they would do the same for me if the situation was reversed.

  • What does serving others say about you?

– Serving others shows how caring you are. It says that you care more about others than yourself.

  • What role do you play and how do you contribute when you serve?

– I play a role of a helpful person. I do all I can to help others.

  • Consider your opinions about someone who complains about the amount of time or work spent serving others.  Does this   person’s complaining change your opinion of his or her character, even though the service got completed?

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