Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them

Dakotas and Corn

It may seem, with the weather turning cold fairly fast, the crops are not getting out of the ground like they should. Despite the coldness in the air and the snow on the ground in some parts of North and South Dakota, farmers are thinking a little bit differently. Thankfully, farmers in both of the states are pleased with their crops.

South Dakota’s crop set a new record at 812 million bushels! From September to November it went up six percent and fifty-two percent in the last year. Unfortunately for North Dakota, the corn crop is at about 375 million bushels. This would be down six percent from September  and down eleven percent for last year.

It is good to see our percentages going up, but as for North Dakota they are not quite as lucky. On the plus side of things, even if the stats do not show it, farmers up north are still happy with their crop. I am sure there will come a time when we are lower than normal and North Dakota is not, but that is what the cards deal us. I think it is good to see the positive side of our wonderful and unexpected weather that we often get up here in our area. The hard working farmers are staying positive and that is all that matter, plus with South Dakota moving up with their production by six percent, we can help out the Northerners in their loss of six percent. Go SD!



“Corn Crops Taking Different Paths In Dakotas.” N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <;.

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