Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them

1. Her older brother inspired Kristen to take action, because he always teased her about doing things for others.

2. She may have stopped giving others food. She was at a good point, but she could have either stayed the same, go down with her progress, or go above and beyond. Luckily she did the right thing.

3. She used what she thought was right, and she went ahead and did something to benefit not only herself and to prove her brother wrong, but also to help others realize what can come by taking the high road and not to stop doing what you love because someone said something differently.


One time when I identified a problem, and took action to solve it was when I see people picking on other ones. There are times people will make rude comments, or call people names and I occasionally step in, defending the “weaker” one. This has happened many times, so I cannot explain one time that I saw a problem and tried to make it better. I just always try to do the right thing and make those being picked on feel better about themselves, and so they know that they are not alone.


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