Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them

Sioux Falls Stampede Pink The Rink

The fight against breast cancer hit the ice Friday night, but the rink for the Sioux Falls Stampede took the color of pink to show their support in the fight against breast cancer. In previous years the stampede has done some different things, such as, pink socks and pink stick, but this year they did much more to help get the point across and it is quite a hit with the fans. The Stampede works closely with the American Cancer Society to help raise money for the fight against breast cancer through ticket sales and various raffle items like game worn jerseys. By pinking the rink it does more to some people that others, for some people it hits near and dear to their hearts all because they themselves may be fighting breast cancer or even a beloved family member. The major reason for for all of this is to help raise awareness and to not only but also possibly find a cure for this cancer. Last year’s event was sold out and tonight’s game reached that mark as all of the proceeds earned from the raffle auction will go directly to the American Cancer Society for breast cancer research. This to me is wonderful because you never know who may be the next person diagnosed with breast cancer, it could be your neighbor or even your local farmer who produces the food we eat and goes head over heals to help feed a growing nation. In all reality you never will know who will be affected by breast cancer, but through the help of the Sioux Falls Stampede a cure can be just around the corner and help not only you or your neighbor but also the great American Farmer. 

“Sioux Falls Stampede Pink The Rink.” N.p., 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Oct. 2013. <;.

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